Manage Your LinkedIn Webinar Session

We are all digitally connected. Which also means, potential employers can screen candidates online before meeting them in person. Your LinkedIn profile will influence how employers view you—before meeting you in person.

Learn how to leverage LinkedIn to connect with your peers and impress employers, search for jobs, and stay informed with the latest trends in your industry. Using a social network to get a job is a reality of today. We will teach you how to make a strong impression using your professional presence online and how to manage your personal brand.

In addition to managing your profile, we will also offer exclusive insight on what recruiters and hiring managers are searching for when they browse profiles and group conversations.

During this session we will highlight:

  • Why you should use LinkedIn and when to start using it
  • How to manage your personal brand on social media
  • How to make the most of being on LinkedIn
  • What to put on your professional profile when you have no work experience
  • Privacy on Social
  • What you should NOT do when using your social accounts
  • Basics of monitoring your own social networks during your job search

Before watching the session, take 10 minutes to do these two actions (if you have not done it already) so you can make the most of being a part of the session:

  1. Create a LinkedIn profile (does not have to be complete)
  2. Add Cisco Networking Academy to your Education section on your profile

    We will highlight what it means to have a personal, professional brand and how that should influence your social media presence. This all ties into how employers will perceive you as they do their research. Learn about what employers search for on social, when they are considering you as a candidate to work at their company.

    Be prepared for the professional world and make yourself glisten for recruiters searching for their ideal candidate—it might just be you. This session is 17 minutes long.

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